We perform high-quality ECCOS, abdominal, trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal pelvic, breast, thyroid, renal, bladder, upper and lower extremity venous and arterial duplex ultrasound exams. We are also qualified to perform obstetrical ultrasound, level I & II and high risk pregnancy ultrasound.
What to Expect
During an ultrasound exam, you may need to remove jewelry and some or all of your clothing, change into a gown, and lie on an examination table. Gel is applied to your skin to prevent air pockets that can block that sound waves from forming. The procedure may take 15-30 minutes depending upon the nature of the visit.
A trained technician (sonographer) presses a small, hand-held service (transducer) against your skin over the area being examined, moving it as necessary to capture the image. The transducer sends sound waves into your body, collects sound waves that bounce back and sends them to a computer, which creates the images.
Preparation for the study:
- Abdominal and gallbladder ultrasound exams: you will be instructed to not eat or drink for up to 8 hours before the exam.
- Pelvic and bladder ultrasound exams: you will be instructed to drink up to 6 glasses (32 oz.) of water 2 hours before the exam and not urinate until the exam is completed.
- Most other ultrasound exams do not require any specific preparation.